Self-Guided Field Trips at Teller
Local schools, youth groups, and non-profits add life to their lessons by including Teller Wildlife Refuge in their curriculum. Science comes alive when students take their classroom outdoors and experience nature using all of their senses. The Teller Trail winds along the Bitterroot River and includes mixed riparian woodlands and a small pond. Tent camp sits next to 600 feet of restored Gird Creek and Thomas Pond is an excellent location to study aquatic invertebrates and pond life. Tell us what your students are studying and we can direct you to the perfect location.
Field trips for the Teller Trail, Tent Camp and Thomas Pond sites are available upon request Teacher and leaders provide their own science or conservation-based curriculum.
During the spring/summer season, field trip requests can be made for any weekday, (subject to availability). During the fall/winter season (hunting seasons), access to the Teller Trail/Woodside Fishing Access is restricted to Tuesdays and Thursdays only. Tent Camp and Thomas Pond field sites are subject to availability. We recommend contacting Teller staff well in advance to reserve a date, and visiting the site ahead of time to plan your learning day. Field trip requests must be made on a Teller Field Trip Request Form, available below, or visit us at our office.
Maps, Buses, First Aid, & Logistics
Teller can provide a map and directions to field sites. We suggest that the bus remains at the site. If the bus must leave, we require the leader to carry a cell phone. All trips must be equipped with first aid kits and adequate field gear. Drinking water and restroom facilities are not available at field sites; there is a public outhouse located in the Teller Trail/Woodside Fishing Access parking lot.