From the Teller: American Dippers are a common sight in the Bitterroot

image courtesy of Randy Smith

image courtesy of Randy Smith

For most of us living in the Bitterroot, we have spent time floating a river, hiking a mountain stream, or walking the Teller Trail along the Bitterroot River.

During that outing, I would wager that a small dark grey bird appeared near the shore, hopping from rock to rock only to disappear at a glance. Convinced the bird did not fly away, you look closer and see that this aquatic songbird actually stepped off the rock to begin an underwater excursion in search of aquatic insects, primarily larvae.

Yes, this robin size bird actually steps off the rock into a shallow riffle and submerges its entire body for 5 to 10 seconds before popping out back on the rock. There, it consumes its invertebrate prize and allows the beads of water to drip off its waterproof feathers before re-entering the water again.


Teller Wildlife Refuge