The Bitterroot Valley's most beautiful duck

image courtesy of Randy Smith

image courtesy of Randy Smith

Spring, here at Teller is often signaled by the return of migratory birds that use Teller habitats seasonally, to court, nest and successfully raise their young in time for a fall departure south to warmer temperatures.

Coinciding with the return of our avian friends, each spring three dedicated Teller volunteers, Jim Hamilton, Mark Dickerson and Paul Hayes also return to Teller for an important task. The three serve as Teller’s Wood Duck Nesting Box program volunteers.

Wood ducks are cavity nesters which means they nest in hollowed out cavities in old-growth cottonwoods or man-made boxes that mimic the natural tree cavity. Are you curious what drives these volunteers ever year to scale tall ladders to service 15 nesting boxes? Read on.

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Teller Wildlife Refuge